NanoMedical Systems
Nanotechnology Transforming Drug Delivery
nStrada is a subcutaneous implant that provides long-term, constant release of a wide range of drugs and biologics.

About Us
NanoMedical Systems develops novel drug-delivery devices based on its proprietary nStrada™ nanofluidics platform for sustained release of chronic therapies. These devices can be loaded with a variety of drugs including small molecules, peptides, and proteins for subcutaneous implantation. The nStrada™ devices rely on diffusion (passive or controlled) to achieve steady-state drug concentrations within a few days and then maintain constant release for the duration of the implant. This performance represents a significant improvement over polymer-based implants and depots which suffer from an initial burst release and multiple weeks to achieve steady-state concentrations.
nStrada Drug Delivery Platform
The nStrada Drug Delivery Platform utilizes state-of-the-art semiconductor manufacturing methods and biocompatible materials and features a tunable high-density array of precision nanochannels that regulates the delivery of drug molecules from an internal reservoir. No power or moving parts are required for long-term constant delivery.
- Dosing, duration, and shape are set independently
- Provides constant drug release via nanochip
- No “burst effect” or “bolus effect”
- Long-term duration – weeks to 1+ year possible
- Can be pre-loaded or loaded by physician during office procedure implantation
- Wide range of applicable APIs
- Suitable for small molecules, peptides, and proteins
- High or low solubility
- Demonstrated performance in vitro and in vivo
- Capsule size & shape tailored independently of dosing
- “Combination Product” regulatory pathway
- Nano-fluidics chip passively regulates outflow of drug
- Nanochannel size tailored to drug molecule size
- Nanochannel number tailored to target dose rate
- Proprietary materials, coatings, and nano-structures provide atomic-level in-body stability beyond 1 year
- Smallest bio-robust, dense array nanochannels ever made
- nDS manufactured in leading-edge chip factory
- High reliability, reproducibility, and manufacturing quality (ISO 9001)
- Design is directly scalable to high volume
- NMS has fabricated thousands of nanochannel chips

Nanochannel Chip Concept
Constant Delivery -
Controlled Dose

nStrada Platform – Three Delivery Systems

Gen 1: Passive System
- Constant release
- Low dose volume/longer drug stability
- Tested in-vitro & in-vivo (rodent, dog, pig)
Gen 2: Passive, Refillable
- Constant Release
- Higher doses/shorter drug stability
- Tested in-vitro & in-vivo (non-human primates and pig)
Gen 3: Active Control
- Remote control capability
- Tunable release
- Tested in-vitro & in-vivo (rodent)
Nanochannel Chip Drug Delivery Technology Platform Established
- Successful in vitro studies with over 20 drugs (small – large molecules: 180 – 149,000 Da )
- Successful in vivo studies with multiple drugs (small – large molecules)
- Over 10 different animal studies utilizing multiple models: rat, mouse, dog, monkey
Competitive Analysis – Drug Delivery

- No moving parts
- Scalable manufacturing
- Continuous delivery
- Flexible form factor
- Refillable in-vivo

- Moving parts
- 25 year-old technology
- Continuous delivery
- Single form factor

- Requires power
- Dosed delivery
- Single form factor

- No moving parts
- Burst effect (non-constant)
- Limited dose delivery

Microscopic View of Nanochannel Chip (nCHP)
- Dosing level set by number of NanoChannels (up to 20,000,000 per cm2)
- Built on leading-edge chip equipment
- Scale-up-ready (High-yield process)
- Over 22 patents (US, EU, Canada, China) and applications
How It Works
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Our Office
NanoMedical Systems, Inc.
HighFlex Technology Center
12708 Riata Vista Circle, Suite A-105
Austin, TX 78727